Examples - pi.science.smoothing.PIDoubleExponentialSmoothing
1. How to perform double exponential smoothing ?
/* - prepare variable for source data */ PIVariable var = new PIVariable(); var.AddValues( new int[] { 199, 205, 217, 197, 223 } ); var.AddValues( new int[] { 217, 236, 243, 248, 253 } ); var.AddValues( new int[] { 250, 246, 268, 273, 281 } ); var.AddValues( new int[] { 281, 278, 284, 270, 301 } ); var.AddValues( new int[] { 297, 308, 328, 315 } ); /* - calc Double exponential smoothing, alpha=0.84 */ PIDoubleExponentialSmoothing smoothing = new PIDoubleExponentialSmoothing( var ); /* use first 12 values for mean...and use it as the first value */ smoothing.SetFirstValueCalcType( FirstValueCalcType.MEAN_WINDOWLENGTH ); smoothing.SetWindowLength( 12 ); smoothing.SetAlpha( 0.84 ); Console.WriteLine( "New ALPHA = " + smoothing.GetAlpha() ); smoothing.Calc(); /* - show results */ PIDebug.Blank(); Console.WriteLine( "After smoothing = " + smoothing.GetOutputVariable().AsString( 2 ) ); Console.WriteLine( "Errors = " + smoothing.GetErrors().AsString( 2 ) ); PIDebug.Blank(); Console.WriteLine( "SSE = " + smoothing.GetSSE() ); Console.WriteLine( "MSE = " + smoothing.GetMSE() ); Console.WriteLine( "MSE-1 = " + smoothing.GetErrors().GetSum2() / ( smoothing.GetSourceVariable().Count() - 1 ) );
New ALPHA = 0,84 After smoothing = 199.86;204.74;209.95;217.34;216.15;223.13;226.14;234.11;242.02;249.22;255.88;259.54; 260.60;268.01;274.84;282.18;287.32;289.83;293.21;290.89;298.63;302.88;309.24;320.10 Errors = -0.86;5.14;12.26;-12.95;5.66;0.85;12.87;16.86;13.89;10.98;0.78;-9.88;8.46;12.40;12.99; 6.16;-4.18;-3.32;-19.83;7.79;6.11;9.37;25.12;5.76 SSE = 2943,22118776501 MSE = 122,634216156875 MSE-1 = 127,966138598479